Sunday, June 21, 2015

KITT dialogue - William Daniels

I took the liberty of writing down all of KITT's dialogue from the TV series. I know others have already done this before me, but I didn't want to copy paste their hard work. Attached is an excel file of all his dialogue. The tabs are broken up between each Season, and there are line breaks for each Episode. Obviously, this kind of organization is meaningless when it comes to creating a interactive voice recognition. However, if you find a line that you like and want to put some context to it, or perhaps have KITT respond to everything that was said in the show, you know where to go for that dialogue. One thing that I found was KITT says the same thing, over and over again. Such as "Yes, Michael" or "Right away". While you could count each time he says this as a separate sound byte, I believe you only need this command once. Thus I compiled a "complete" list tab that has all KITT's lines in alphabetic order (4377 lines). Here you can see how many times KITT says a particular phrase.

I do not have any sound files to share, you can purchase those from Raf (aka onemancan). My idea with sharing this excel file is for those who wish to do a Text-To-Speach (TTS) option with a voice of their own choosing and wish for it to say all of KITT's original dialogue. TTS provides the freedom to create your own unique dialogue and maintain one consistent tone and voice. It is also for those who wish to record their own voice, or language, and still maintain KITT's dialogue.

I am sure I have made mistakes here and there, so if any are found, let me know so I can make the change.

Fun fact:
KITT say's 'Michael' 2,042 times
KITT spoke approximately 4,377 times
KITT's most common phrase: "Right away" said 94 times

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